California Driver's License Test: 91 Questions with Answers

Are you preparing to take the California driver's license test? This practice test includes 91  questions, covering a variety of topics related to California driving laws and safe driving practices. The test also includes answers and explanations for each question, so you can review and understand any areas where you may have struggled. Use this practice test to familiarize yourself with the types of questions you may encounter on the actual test, and increase your chances of passing on your first try.

Top 91 Question for  California driver's license test

  1. -What is the purpose of wearing a seat belt? The purpose of wearing a seat belt is to increase the chance of survival in most types of collisions.
  2. How should the shoulder harness be worn? The shoulder harness should be worn across the shoulder and chest with minimal, if any, slack. It should not be worn under the arm or behind the back.
  3. How should the lap belt be adjusted? The lap belt should be adjusted so that it is snug and lies low across the hips after fastening.
  4. How should pregnant women wear their seat belts? Pregnant women should wear the lap belt as low as possible under the abdomen, and the shoulder strap should be placed between the breasts and to the side of the abdomen’s bulge.
  5. What can happen if you do not wear a seat belt or if you wear it improperly? If you do not wear a seat belt or wear it improperly, you may be cited. In a collision, you could slide out of the belt, resulting in injury or death. Wearing the shoulder harness the wrong way could cause serious internal injuries in a collision.
  6. What does a solid red traffic signal light mean? A solid red traffic signal light means "STOP."
  7. What does a red arrow traffic signal light mean? A red arrow traffic signal light means "STOP." Remain stopped until the green signal or green arrow appears.
  8. What does a flashing red traffic signal light mean? A flashing red traffic signal light means "STOP." After stopping, you may proceed when it is safe. Observe the right-of-way rules.
  9. What does a solid yellow traffic signal light mean? A solid yellow traffic signal light means "CAUTION." The red traffic signal light is about to appear. When you see the yellow traffic signal light, stop if you can do so safely. If you cannot stop safely, cross the intersection cautiously.
  10. What does a yellow arrow traffic signal light mean? A yellow arrow traffic signal light means the "protected" turning time period is ending. Be prepared to obey the next traffic signal light, which could be the green or red traffic signal light or the red arrow.
  11. What does an 8-sided red STOP sign mean? An 8-sided red STOP sign means that you must make a full "STOP" whenever you see this sign. Stop at the white limit line or before entering the crosswalk. If a limit line or crosswalk is not painted on the street, stop before entering the intersection. Check traffic in all directions before proceeding.
  12. What does a 3-sided red YIELD sign mean? A 3-sided red YIELD sign means that you must slow down and be ready to stop, if necessary, to let any vehicle, bicyclist, or pedestrian pass before you proceed.
  13. What does a square red and white regulatory sign mean? A square red and white regulatory sign indicates that you must follow the sign's instruction. For example, the DO NOT ENTER sign means do not enter a road or off ramp where the sign is posted (usually on a freeway off ramp).
  14. What does a WRONG WAY sign mean? A WRONG WAY sign means that you are going against traffic. When you see this sign, drive to the side of the road and stop. When safe, back out or turn around and return to the road you were on. At night if you are going the wrong way, the road reflectors will shine red in your headlights.
  15. What does a sign with a red circle with a red line through it mean? A sign with a red circle with a red line through it means "NO." The picture inside the circle shows what you cannot do. The sign may be shown with or without words.
  16. What does a yellow and black circular sign or an x-shaped sign mean? A yellow and black circular sign or an x-shaped sign indicates that you are approaching a railroad crossing. You must look, listen, slow down, and prepare to stop, if necessary. Let any trains pass before you proceed.
  17. What does a blue and white sign near a railroad crossing mean? A blue and white sign near a railroad crossing indicates what to do if there is an emergency on or near the tracks, or if your vehicle has stalled on the tracks.
  18. What does a 5-sided sign near a school mean? A 5-sided sign near a school means that you must stop if children are in the crosswalk.
  19. What does a 4-sided diamond-shaped sign mean? A 4-sided diamond-shaped sign warns you of specific road conditions and dangers ahead. Many warning signs are diamond-shaped.
  20. What should you do when approaching a pedestrian crossing at a crosswalk or corner? When approaching a pedestrian crossing at a crosswalk or corner, you should exercise caution and reduce your speed, or stop if necessary, to ensure the safety of the pedestrian.
  21. What should you not do when approaching a crosswalk? When approaching a crosswalk, you should not pass a vehicle stopped at the crosswalk, drive on the sidewalk, or stop in the crosswalk.
  22. What should you do if a pedestrian makes eye contact with you? If a pedestrian makes eye contact with you, you should yield to the pedestrian.
  23. What should you do when approaching an intersection without "STOP" or "YIELD" signs? When approaching an intersection without "STOP" or "YIELD" signs, you should slow down and be ready to stop. Yield to traffic and pedestrians already in the intersection or just entering the intersection.
  24. What should you do at a "T" intersection without "STOP" or "YIELD" signs? At a "T" intersection without "STOP" or "YIELD" signs, you should yield to traffic and pedestrians on the through road.
  25. What should you do when approaching a roundabout? When approaching a roundabout, you should slow down and yield to pedestrians and vehicles already in the roundabout.
  26. What should you do when approaching a four-way stop? When approaching a four-way stop, you should come to a complete stop
  27. What should you do when approaching a traffic signal that is not working? When approaching a traffic signal that is not working, you should treat the intersection as a four-way stop and proceed with caution. Observe the right-of-way rules and be prepared to stop if necessary.
  28. Why is it important to scan your surroundings when driving? Scanning your surroundings is important when driving because it helps you to be aware of your surroundings and potential hazards on the road, so you can react and make decisions appropriately to keep yourself and others safe.
  29. How can you avoid tailgating while driving? To avoid tailgating while driving, you can use the "3 second rule": when the vehicle ahead of you passes a certain point, such as a sign, count "one-thousand-one, one-thousand- two, one-thousand-three." This takes approximately 3 seconds. If you pass the same point before you finish counting, you are following too closely. You should also allow for more space when driving on slippery roads, following motorcyclists or bicyclists on wet or icy roads, metal surfaces, or gravel, towing a trailer or carrying a heavy load, following large vehicles that block your view ahead, or merging onto a freeway.
  30. What should you do when approaching a pedestrian crossing? When approaching a pedestrian crossing, you should reduce your speed and be prepared to stop if necessary to ensure the safety of the pedestrian. Do not pass a vehicle stopped at a crosswalk, as a pedestrian you cannot see may be crossing the street. Stop and proceed when all pedestrians have crossed the street.
  31. What should you do when approaching an intersection without a stop or yield sign? When approaching an intersection without a stop or yield sign, you should slow down and be
  32. What is the purpose of solid yellow lines on the road?  Solid yellow lines mark the center of a road used for two-way traffic.
  33. When are you allowed to pass if there is a broken yellow line on the road?  You may pass if the broken line is next to your driving lane and movement can be made safely.
  34. When are you allowed to pass if there are two solid yellow lines on the road?
  35. You are never allowed to pass if there are two solid yellow lines on the road, unless you are in a carpool lane/high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lane that has a designated entrance on the left, instructed by construction or other signs to drive on the other side of the road, or turning left across a single set of double yellow lines to enter or exit a driveway or private road, or make a U-turn.
  36. What do solid white lines on the road indicate? Solid white lines mark traffic lanes going in the same direction, such as one-way streets.
  37. What do broken white lines on the road indicate? Broken white lines separate traffic lanes on roads with two or more lanes in the same direction.
  38. What do double white lines on the road indicate? Double white lines are two solid white lines that indicate a lane barrier between a regular use and a preferential use lane, such as a carpool/HOV lane.
  39. When are you allowed to turn right at a red traffic signal light? You may turn right at a red traffic signal light if there is no sign to prohibit the turn, after coming to a complete stop at the marked limit line or before entering the crosswalk or intersection. You must yield to pedestrians, motorcyclists, bicyclists, or other vehicles moving on their green traffic signal light.
  40.  What is the meaning of a solid yellow line on the road? Solid yellow lines indicate that no passing is allowed if the solid yellow line is on your side of the road.
  41. (2) What is the meaning of double solid lines on the road? Double solid lines indicate that passing is not allowed.
  42.  What is the meaning of a broken yellow line on the road? A broken yellow line indicates that passing is allowed if it can be done safely.
  43.  When is it okay to drive on the left side of a double solid yellow line? It is okay to drive on the left side of a double solid yellow line when you are in a carpool lane/high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lane that has a designated entrance on the left, instructed by construction or other signs to drive on the other side of the road because your side of the road is closed or blocked, or making a left turn across a single set of double yellow lines to enter or exit a driveway or private road, or make a U-turn.
  44.  What do solid white lines on the road indicate? Solid white lines mark traffic lanes going in the same direction, such as on one-way streets.
  45. What do broken white lines on the road indicate? Broken white lines separate traffic lanes on roads with two or more lanes in the same direction.
  46.  What do double white lines on the road indicate? Double white lines are two solid white lines that indicate a lane barrier between a regular use lane and a preferential use lane, such as a carpool/HOV lane. Do not change lanes while in these lanes; wait until a single broken white line appears. These lines may also be found in or near freeway on and off ramps.
  47. How far before a turn should you begin signaling?  About 100 feet before the turn.
  48. What should you do before making a left turn?   Drive close to the center divider line or into the left turn lane, signal, look over your left shoulder, reduce your speed, stop behind the limit line, look left, right, left again, and make the turn when it is safe.
  49. What should you do before making a right turn?  Drive close to the right edge of the road, signal, look over your right shoulder, reduce your speed, stop behind the limit line, look both ways, and turn when it is safe.
  50. When can you make a left turn against a red light? Only from a one-way street onto a one-way street.
  51. Can you make a right turn against a red traffic signal light? Yes, if there is no sign to prohibit the turn.
  52. Can you make a right turn without stopping if the road you are turning onto has a dedicated lane?
  53. Yes, if there is no sign to prohibit a free right turn and the road you are turning onto has a non-merging lane dedicated to right turning vehicles.
  54. Can you turn right or left against a red arrow?  No.
  55. When making a left turn, where should you start and complete the turn?   Start the turn in the left lane closest to the middle of the street, and complete the turn, if safe, in either lane of the cross street.
  56. What should you do when parking on a hill headed downhill?  You should turn your front wheels into the curb or toward the side of the road, set the parking brake, and leave the vehicle in gear or in the "park" position.
  57. What should you do when parking on a hill headed uphill?  You should turn your front wheels away from the curb, let your vehicle roll back a few inches so that the wheel gently touches the curb, set the parking brake, and leave the vehicle in gear or in the "park" position.
  58. What should you do when parking on a hill with no curb? You should turn the wheels so the vehicle will roll away from the center of the road if the brakes fail, set the parking brake, and leave the vehicle in gear or in the "park" position.
  59. What are the steps for parallel parking?  First, find a space at least 3 feet longer than your vehicle, signal that you intend to park, and pull your vehicle alongside the space or vehicle in front of where you intend to park. Next, leave approximately 2 feet between the vehicle or space next to you and stop once your rear bumper is aligned to the front of the space where you want to park. Then, check your rearview mirror and look over your shoulder for approaching vehicles, keep your foot on the brake and put the vehicle in reverse. Lift your foot off the brake and begin backing up at approximately a 45 degree angle. Straighten out by turning the steering wheel away from the curb when your rear wheel is within 18 inches from the curb, and adjust your position if necessary. Finally, center your car within the space.
  60. What does a white curb mean for parking? A white curb means that you can stop only long enough to pick up or drop off passengers or mail.
  61. What does a green curb mean for parking?  A green curb means that you can park for a limited time, as indicated by a posted sign or the time limit painted on the curb.
  62. What does a yellow curb mean for parking? A yellow curb means that you can stop no longer than the time posted to load or unload passengers or freight. Drivers of noncommercial vehicles are usually required to stay with the vehicle.
  63. What does a red curb mean for parking? A red curb means that you cannot stop, stand, or park at that location. Buses may stop at a red zone marked specifically for buses.
  64. When should you signal while driving? You should signal when turning left or right, changing lanes, slowing down, or stopping.
  65. How can you signal your intentions while driving? You can signal your intentions while driving using hand-and-arm positions or the vehicle's signal lights. In bright sunlight, it may be helpful to use both hand-and-arm signals and the vehicle's signal lights.
  66. What is the recommended hand position for steering a vehicle? The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recommends placing your hands at 9 and 3 o'clock, or slightly lower at 8 and 4 o'clock, on the steering wheel. To reduce the risk of injury in the event of a deployed airbag, you should grip the outside of the steering wheel with your knuckles on the outside of the wheel and your thumbs stretched along the rim.
  67. What are some recommended methods for steering a vehicle? The NHTSA recommends using hand-to-hand steering, hand-over-hand steering, or one-hand steering, depending on the situation. Hand-to-hand steering involves pushing or pulling the steering wheel in the direction you want to turn, while hand-over-hand steering involves reaching across your body to grasp the steering wheel and pull it in the direction you want to turn. One-hand steering is recommended for turning while backing or operating vehicle controls that require removing a hand from the steering wheel.
  68. When should you use your horn while driving? You should use your horn only when necessary to avoid collisions, to try to get "eye contact" with other drivers, or on narrow mountain roads where you cannot see at least 200 feet ahead.
  69. When should you not use your horn while driving? You should not use your horn if a driver or bicyclist is moving slowly and you want them to drive faster or get out of your way, if you are annoyed with another driver or pedestrian, or if you are trying to alert someone to your presence when it is not necessary for safety.
  70. When should you use your headlights while driving? You should use your headlights when visibility is poor, such as during fog, rain, or snow, or when driving at dawn, dusk, or at night. You should also use your headlights when driving on a highway or in any situation where visibility is reduced.
  71. What should you do if you need to use your emergency signals while driving? If you need to use your emergency signals while driving, you should turn on your hazard warning lights to alert other drivers that you are experiencing a problem with your vehicle. This will help other drivers to be aware of your situation and allow them to give you a wider berth. If you are on the side of the road, you can also use your emergency signals to indicate that you need assistance.
  72. What should you do when faced with potential dangers on both sides of the road? "Split the difference" and steer a middle course between the two dangers.
  73. How much space should you leave between yourself and the vehicle ahead of you when merging onto the freeway? Follow the "3-second rule" and leave 3 seconds of space between you and the vehicle ahead.
  74. How much space should you leave when crossing or entering city or highway traffic from a full stop? Leave a gap of about half a block on city streets and a full block on the highway.
  75. What should you do if you need to cross several freeway lanes at once?  Cross them one at a time to avoid causing traffic delays or a collision.
  76. What should you do when turning left if an approaching vehicle has its right turn signal on?  Wait until the vehicle has passed to ensure that it is not planning to turn just beyond you, as the signal may have been left on from an earlier turn.
  77. What should you do when faced with a pedestrian with an umbrella in front of their face or a hat pulled down over their eyes?  Increase your following distance and allow a bigger space cushion to allow for potential sudden moves by the pedestrian.
  78. What should you do if you encounter a curve while driving?   You should slow down before entering the curve, and adjust your speed based on how sharp the curve is.
  79. What are some dangers of driving faster or slower than other vehicles on the road? Driving faster or slower than other vehicles can increase your chances of being involved in a collision, and can also cause other drivers to swerve or stop suddenly to avoid hitting your vehicle.
  80. What should you do if your vehicle starts hydroplaning on a wet road? If your vehicle starts hydroplaning, you should slow down gradually, and avoid applying the brakes.
  81. How should you adjust your speed when driving on wet, packed snow, or icy roads? On a wet road, you should go 5 to 10 mph slower. On packed snow, you should reduce your speed by half. On ice, you should slow to a crawl.
  82. What are some signs of a slippery road? Slippery roads can be indicated by shade from trees or buildings, bridges and overpasses, rain on hot days, and warning signs.
  83. What precautions should you take when driving in high winds? When driving in high winds, you should reduce your speed, maintain a firm hand position on the steering wheel, be alert for debris on the road, avoid using cruise control, and be proactive in seeking safe shelter if necessary.
  84. What should you do if you need to drive in fog or heavy smoke? If you need to drive in fog or heavy smoke, you should drive slowly, turn on your windshield wipers, and use your low-beam headlights. If possible, it is best to postpone your trip until the fog or smoke clears.
  85. What are the dangers of driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs? Answer: Alcohol and/or drugs impair judgment, reaction time, and ability to see and react to sounds, which can be dangerous when driving or participating in traffic.
  86. What is California's drunk driving law? Answer: California's drunk driving law is also a drugged driving law, and refers to "DUI of alcohol and/or drugs."
  87. Can an officer legally require a blood or urine test if they suspect drug use? Answer: Yes, an officer can legally require a blood or urine test if they suspect drug use.
  88. What types of drugs can impair driving ability? Answer: Any drug, including prescription, over-the-counter, or illegal drugs, that impairs driving ability is illegal to use while driving.
  89. Is it legal to drink alcohol or use cannabis products in a vehicle? Answer: It is illegal to drink any amount of alcohol or smoke or ingest any cannabis product while driving or riding as a passenger in a motor vehicle.
  90. Are there special laws for drivers under 21 and possession of alcohol in a vehicle? Answer: If you are under 21, you may not carry liquor, beer, or wine inside a vehicle unless you are accompanied by a parent or other person as specified by law and the container is full, sealed, and unopened. If caught with an alcoholic beverage in your vehicle, the vehicle may be impounded and you may face a fine and suspension or delay of your driving privileges.
  91. What are the legal blood alcohol concentration limits for drivers in California? Answer: It is illegal for any person to operate a vehicle with a BAC of 0.08% or higher if they are 21 years old or older, or a BAC of 0.01% or higher if they are under 21.

Whether you're a new driver just starting to learn the rules of the road or an experienced driver looking to refresh your knowledge, this practice test is a great resource. By working through the questions and answers, you can gain a better understanding of important topics such as traffic laws, road signs, and safe driving practices. Use this practice test to supplement your studies and increase your confidence on test day. With a little preparation and practice, you can be well on your way to earning your California driver's license.