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To pass the knowledge test for a driver's license in Maine, you must answer 24 out of 30 questions correctly. This test ensures that you understand important driving rules, traffic signs, and safe driving practices necessary for operating a vehicle on Maine roads.
Below are 60 important questions that may be asked during the test. These questions cover a wide range of topics including road signs, right-of-way rules, safe driving practices, and emergency procedures. Try answering them to assess your readiness for the test.
Key Traffic Laws and Penalties
Who can file a request with the Bureau of Motor Vehicles to suspend the license or instruction permit of a minor?
The illegal transportation of liquor by a minor carries a minimum suspension of how many days?
Driver’s License Types and Points
How many classes of driver’s license are issued in Maine?
What are demerit points?
Automatic Suspensions
Name the violations of traffic laws which, upon conviction, carry automatic 90-day suspensions.
What is a title and how do you apply for one?
Vehicle Maintenance and Insurance
How often should I have my vehicle inspected?
Will I need liability insurance when I register my motor vehicle?
Emergency Preparedness
What are some of the emergency supplies I should have in my vehicle at all times?
What is the BrAC level which denotes operating under the influence (O.U.I.) in Maine for people under 21 years of age?
Legal BrAC Levels
What is the legal BrAC level for determining O.U.I. in those aged 21 and older in Maine?
What does “implied consent” mean?
Driving Under Influence and Costs
What drug is the most damaging and widely used in the United States today?
True or false? An O.U.I. offense could cost you more than $7,000.
Fuel Efficiency and Speed
Automobiles get ____% better mileage at 55 MPH than at 70 MPH.
At a four-way stop, who has the right of way?
Signs and Traffic Circles
What does a red line through a red circle mean?
What routine maintenance steps should you follow to maximize your automobile's fuel efficiency?
Line Markings and Passing Rules
What is the difference between a solid line on the roadway and a broken one?
How should you proceed when approaching a traffic circle?
Safe Driving Practices
Good drivers try to see ahead for at least how many seconds?
What procedures should you follow before attempting to pass another vehicle?
Signaling and Lane Changes
You are at a stop sign. A car approaches from the left which has its directional signal flashing indicating a right turn into the road you are about to leave. Is it safe to assume that this vehicle will make the turn?
To change lanes safely while driving, what procedures should you follow?
Driving in Difficult Conditions
True or False? You should use your low beams in fog, snow, or heavy rain.
Where is it dangerous to pass?
Passing and Blind Spots
How do you determine whether or not there is enough room to pass a vehicle in front of you?
True or False? When attempting to pass another vehicle you should always treat a hill or curve as an oncoming vehicle?
Handling Car Troubles
What procedures should you follow when you are having car trouble and have to stop?
Where is the driver’s “blind spot” usually located?
Safe Speeds and Stopping
What is a safe speed?
At 50 MPH it takes about ____ feet to stop.
Traffic Signs and Business Districts
What traffic signs are almost always yellow and diamond-shaped?
Unless otherwise posted, at what speed should you travel when driving through a business district?
Driving in Poor Weather
What should you do if you are driving along in the rain, snow, or fog, and begin to have difficulty seeing either ahead, beside, or behind you?
When following trucks, tractor trailers, and buses, what driving considerations should you keep in mind?
Driving Control and Expressway Entry
True or False? The driver behind you has more control over the space directly behind you than you do.
What procedures should you follow when entering an expressway?
Bicyclists on the Road
When encountering bicyclists, how should you drive?
True or False? Bicyclists are vehicle drivers and have all the same rights and responsibilities as drivers of motor vehicles?
Driving Distractions
When passing a bicyclist, how much room should you give?
List the three distinct types of driving distractions.
Seat Belts and Safety
In Maine, children and adults up to what age are required to wear safety belts or be secured in a safety seat when riding in an automobile?
In avoiding a collision, a driver has three options. What are they?
Handling Vehicle Issues
What should you do if your power steering fails?
If your brakes become wet after driving through deep water, you can “dry” them by _________?
Vehicle Accidents
True or false? Seat belts help you to stay alert.
Approximately how many people die each year in motor vehicle accidents in the United States?
Ice, Snow, and Accidents
What is the first thing you should do when confronted by an oncoming vehicle in your lane?
When operating your vehicle on ice or snow, it takes ____ to ____ times as much distance to stop your vehicle as it does on dry pavement.
Safety Statistics
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, about ____% of all deaths and serious injuries occur in cars traveling under 40 MPH within 25 miles from one’s home.
True or false? When used properly, lap and shoulder belts can reduce the risk of a serious or fatal injury by 40-55%.
Accidents and Emergency Response
What is the first thing you should do if you are involved in an accident?
True or false? Always contact the police if you are involved in an accident in which someone is injured.
Hydroplaning and Roundabouts
What is “hydroplaning” and how should it be handled?
Should you try to pull injured victims from a vehicle that has been involved in an accident?
Roundabouts and Safety
A roundabout is designed to be driven at low speed. True or false?