Learn English by Conversation : Buying a house

Welcome to our new home search journey! My name is Carlos and my wife Sara and I are excited to embark on this adventure together. We have been living in our current home for a while now and feel ready for a change. We are looking for a new place that has more space for our growing family and is located in a convenient location near the city. We have a budget in mind and are looking forward to finding the perfect home that fits all of our needs. We can't wait to see what the future holds for us in our new home

Bying a House Conversation  

  • Carlos: Hey Sara, have you given any thought to the idea of getting a new home?
  • Sara: Yeah, I have been thinking about it a lot lately. What made you bring it up?
  • Carlos: Well, I've been feeling like it's time for a change. And with the kids getting older, I think it would be nice to have a little more space.
  • Sara: I agree. Our current place is starting to feel a bit cramped. But have you given any thought to where we would want to move?
  • Carlos: I was thinking maybe a neighborhood closer to the city. It would be convenient for work and there are more options for schools and activities for the kids.
  • Sara: That's definitely something to consider. And have you thought about our budget? Moving can be expensive.
  • Carlos: Yeah, I've been doing some research and it looks like there are some affordable options available. We just need to make sure we have enough saved up for the down payment and closing costs.
  • Sara: That's true. We should sit down and go over our finances to see what we can realistically afford.
  • Carlos: Definitely. Let's schedule a time to do that and start looking at some listings online. It'll be exciting to start this new chapter in our lives.
  • Sara: I agree. Let's do it.

Bying a House Related words 

  1. Budget - the amount of money that is available or has been set aside for a particular purpose
  2. Closing costs - expenses that are paid at the closing of a real estate transaction, including fees for services, taxes, and insurance
  3. Down payment - a payment made in cash during the onset of the purchase of an expensive good or service
  4. Listing - a published description of a property that is for sale or rent
  5. Mortgage - a loan used to buy a house
  6. Real estate - property consisting of land and the buildings on it, along with its natural resources such as crops, minerals, or water
  7. Realtor - a real estate agent who is a member of the National Association of Realtors
  8. Neighborhood - a district or area within a city or town that has its own distinct character or features
  9. Escrow - a financial arrangement where a third party holds and regulates payment of the funds required for two parties involved in a given transaction
  10. Closing - the final step in completing a real estate transaction, during which the ownership of the property is transferred from the seller to the buyer.