Learn English :A Discussion on Technology and the Internet

Imad: Hey Jordan, have you seen the new iPhone that just came out?

Jordan: Yeah, I saw it online. It looks really cool.

Imad: Yeah, I was thinking about getting one. What do you think?

Jordan: I think it's a good phone. The camera is supposed to be really good and the processor is really fast.

Imad: Yeah, I've heard that too. I just can't decide if I want to upgrade or not.

Jordan: Well, it's always nice to have the latest and greatest, but it can be expensive.

Imad: Yeah, that's true. I guess I'll have to think about it some more.

Jordan: Have you checked out any of the social media websites lately?

Imad: Yeah, I've been spending a lot of time on Instagram lately. Have you tried it?

Jordan: Yeah, I'm on Instagram too. It's a great way to stay connected with friends and see what's going on in the world.

Imad: Definitely. I also use Facebook and Twitter to keep up with the news and connect with people.

Jordan: Yeah, me too. It's amazing how much of our lives are online these days.

Imad: Definitely. It's hard to imagine life without the internet and our phones.

Jordan: Yeah, I agree. It's amazing how much technology has advanced in such a short period of time.

Imad: Definitely. It's going to be interesting to see what the future holds.

In this conversation, Imad and Jordan discuss the latest advancements in technology, including smartphones and social media websites.

Ending: The conversation highlights the importance of technology in our daily lives and the endless possibilities for the future.

Questions for conversation:

  1. What do Imad and Jordan think of the new iPhone?
  2. Why is Imad considering upgrading to the new iPhone?
  3. What social media websites do Imad and Jordan use?
  4. How do Imad and Jordan stay connected with friends and the world through social media?
  5. What are Imad and Jordan's thoughts on the advancement of technology in recent years?

Grammar Quiz:

  1. Choose the correct verb tense: Imad (is, was) thinking about getting the new iPhone.
  2. Choose the correct verb tense: I (am, was) on Instagram yesterday.
  3. Choose the correct verb tense: They (are, were) discussing the latest advancements in technology.
  4. Choose the correct verb tense: We (will be, are) going to the movies tonight.
  5. Choose the correct verb tense: The phone (was, is) supposed to have a really good camera.
  6. Choose the correct verb tense: The processor (is, was) really fast.
  7. Choose the correct verb tense: I (am, was) considering upgrading to the new iPhone.
  8. Choose the correct verb tense: They (are, were) using Facebook and Twitter to stay connected with people.
  9. Choose the correct verb tense: Technology (has, had) advanced a lot in recent years.
  10. Choose the correct verb tense: It (will be, is) interesting to see what the future holds

Answers to Grammar Quiz:

  1. Is
  2. Was
  3. Are
  4. Are
  5. Was
  6. Is
  7. Am
  8. Are
  9. Has
  10. Will b