Essential Radio Communication Phrases for Yard Jockeys (Yard Switchers/Spotters)

yard jockey using radio

Working as a Yard Jockey, also known as a Yard Switcher or Spotter, is a crucial role in the logistics and trucking industry. One of the biggest challenges that many Yard Jockeys face, especially those who are not native English speakers, is effective communication over the radio. Clear and quick communication is essential to maintain smooth operations, avoid accidents, and ensure that trailers and containers are moved efficiently.

This guide is designed to help Yard Jockeys, especially those who are not fluent in English, learn and use the most common radio communication phrases in the yard. By mastering these phrases, you will not only improve your efficiency but also enhance safety and reduce confusion in the yard.

General Communication Phrases

These are basic phrases that you will often use when communicating with dispatch, coordinators, or the warehouse.

  • "Copy that." - Understood.
  • "10-4." - Message received and understood.
  • "Stand by." - Please wait, I’ll get back to you.
  • "Go ahead." - I’m ready to listen to you.
  • "What's your 20?" - What’s your current location?
  • "I'm at the dock." - Informing your current location.
  • "I'm on my way." - Heading towards the assigned location.

Trailer Movement Phrases

As a Yard Jockey, you will constantly be moving trailers between docks, parking spots, and gates. Here are the most useful phrases:

  • "I’m moving trailer #____ to door #____."
  • "I’m dropping trailer #____ at door #____."
  • "I’m picking up trailer #____ from door #____."
  • "Trailer #____ is loaded and ready to go."
  • "Trailer #____ is empty."
  • "I need a spot to drop this trailer."
  • "I’m backing into door #____."

Safety Reporting Phrases

Safety is critical in the yard, and you may encounter situations that require immediate reporting. Use these phrases:

  • "The trailer has a flat tire."
  • "The landing gear is stuck."
  • "I see a broken trailer seal."
  • "There is a leak in trailer #____."
  • "The dock is blocked by another trailer."
  • "I need a mechanic at door #____."

Emergency Phrases

In case of an emergency, you need to communicate fast and clearly. These phrases will help you:

  • "We have a spill in the yard."
  • "Call 911! There is a fire near door #____."
  • "I need a tow truck at spot #____."
  • "There’s been an accident near door #____."
  • "A driver is hurt. Call for medical assistance."

Time-Sensitive Phrases

Sometimes you need to communicate time-sensitive information, such as rush loads or tight schedules.

  • "The driver is waiting for this trailer."
  • "This load is hot, please don’t delay."
  • "I need a dock immediately for trailer #____."
  • "We have a rush load that needs to go ASAP."

Ending Your Shift or Breaks

When you are taking a break or finishing your shift, you need to communicate clearly.

  • "I’m taking my lunch break now."
  • "I’m back from my break."
  • "I’m done for my shift."
  • "I’m leaving the yard now."


Learning and practicing these phrases will significantly improve your communication skills as a Yard Jockey. Clear communication prevents accidents, speeds up operations, and ensures that everyone in the yard knows what’s happening. If you are still improving your English, keep practicing these phrases daily until they become natural. Your job will become easier, and you’ll build a better working relationship with dispatchers, warehouse coordinators, and fellow drivers.